Yeah I know I know i wasn't supposed to post anything before the exams got over, but hey, one tiny(or maybe not so tiny) post won't hurt. And this is positively the last one, coz i really can't afford to blog for a long long time, not if i want a first division.
Anyway, i came across this really interesting tag, and felt like doing it, so i decided to tag myself. Yes, lame, i know. Humour me.
Okay then, here goes nothing.
Smoked a cigarette?: Alas no, never tried even.
Crashed a friend's car?: The fact that i don't know how to drive(yet) would've facilitated the whole crashing-a-friend's-car bit, but unfortunately none of my friends have ever lent me their cars (and after reading this, I'm sure they never will).
Stolen a car?: Nope, and i get the feeling I'd be quite sucky at it. Maybe I'll give it a shot once i learn how to drive. :-p
Been in love?: Love? I don't think so. Unless you count Shahrukh Khan (yes i love him).
Been dumped?: Yes, once. :-(
Shoplifted?: Nope. and don't want to, somehow. To tell you the truth, the idea scares me. Lol.
Been in a fist fight?: Well it's been a long long time since I've been in one. But yeah, i have. In quite a few in fact, when i was a kid (clearly, i wasn't a very nice kid).
Snuck out of your parent's house?: Nope. Sad.......
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?: Of course. hasn't everyone?
Been arrested?: Haven't ever done anything illegal. Except for jaywalking maybe. Is that even a crime in India? God i really am sad..... Oh wait! Does drinking (and here i mean drinking in the mildest sense of the word) alcohol before you're 18 count?
Gone on a blind date?: I once went on what i can only call a 'triple blind date'. And i knew one of the guys from before and both the other girls. It turned out to be a lot of fun actually....
Skipped school?: Well, once. And I don't think it even qualifies as skipping school coz we went to school and then left from there. Shit this is seriously embarrassing.
Been on a plane?: Yeah, and i absolutely love it. Every single time.
Seen someone die?: No
Been to Canada?: Nope (isn't this an awfully random question? Why Canada? WHY Canada of all places?)
Purposely set a part of yourself on fire?: No, i know I'm quite *ahem* unusual, but not that unusual. I have done the whipping-your-finger(s)-quickly-through-a-flame thing about a million times though (and still do...sometimes). But I'm sure everyone's done it and that's not what they're asking really.
Been jet-skiing?: Aww no.... :-(
Met someone in person from the Internet?: Nope. the idea is a little scary, to be honest.
Taken pain killers?: Yeah, doesn't everyone? Oh wait a i get it. Nope not taken painkillers like that.
Flown a kite?: Yup. And i can proudly say that i can actually get it up in the air. :-D
Built a sand castle?: Yup. In goa babyyyy. And in Australia, but i was ten years old, so it doesn't count.
Gone puddle jumping?: Yup. Still do in fact. Much to the chagrin of the people around me.
Cheated while playing a game?: Sure, hasn't everyone? Except while playing relay!!!(inside joke...most people won't get it. Don't bother)
Been lonely?: Yes. There's a difference between being alone and being lonely. I'm quite comfortable when I'm alone. I don't need company for reassurance. You know that feeling you get when you're surrounded by people and you still feel alone? That's what loneliness is, according to me at least. It's happened to me a few times. And it's scary.
Fallen asleep at work or school/college?: Only about a million times already. Used to fall asleep in every single FIITJEE class; could not keep my eyes open, however much i tried. Thank god they had large classrooms. Haven't ever really fallen asleep in school, coz the rooms weren't that big, and the idea of getting caught napping and getting publicly made fun of did not appeal too much to me. Never fallen asleep in college coz we end up playing stupid games at the back. Though i must admit, Anita Mathur has a lovely soothing voice.
Used a fake ID?: Naa. Someday maybe....
Felt an earthquake?: You know, funnily enough, even though i stay in Delhi, I've never felt an earthquake. I've always managed to sleep through them. Weird.....
Touched a snake?: Yeah, in a touch pool in Singapore. Felt unlike anything I'd ever touched before. And felt completely unlike what i expected it to feel like. Not slimy that is.
Slept beneath the stars?: Never. :-( Really want to someday though.
Been robbed?: No thank god. Quite surprising really, seeing how I'm not the most careful of people.
Been misunderstood?: Have i ever. God, my life practically thrives on misunderstandings. People sort of tend to assume I'm being mean, even when I'm not. And when I'm actually putting them down, they don't get it! Quite sad really.
Also, this question reminds me of something which happened last year during durga puja. One misunderstanding which spiralled into something not too much fun for me, and hilarious for the spectators (and by spectators i mean my lovely friends, who dish out wonderful advice and then point at me and laugh. Love you guys!).
Won a contest?: Never dammit! Unless you count tambola........ :-(
Run a red light/stop sign?: Remember I can't drive? And my parents don't think it's a good idea to let me take the car for a spin till i learn. I don't see their point.
Been suspended from school?: Okay can we stop with the embarrassing questions already? No, duh. I was a stickler for rules in school.
Been in a car accident?: Nope.
Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night?: I would've died for Christ's sakes!! I know I have quite an appetite for a girl, but a pint???
Walked the streets drunk?: Nope. In fact the question should be rephrased as, "Ever got drunk?" Nope. I walk the wild side don't I?
Had déjà vu?: Oh yeah, a lot. One of the reasons, other than the whole spacing out thing, why I think I'm mildly schizophrenic.......
Danced in the moonlight?: romantic-dancing-with-your-boyfriend in the moonlight? No. Idiotic-dancing-with-friends-on-the-terrace in the moonlight? Yes, multiple times.
Witnessed a crime?: Nope.
Been obsessed with post-it notes?: For a while, especially those lovely pink ones. I had also developed this insane fascination for erasers at one point of time. Colourful ones, plain ones, weird shaped ones, scented ones......okay I should probably stop.
Squished barefoot through the mud?: Yup. It's an interesting sensation. More pleasant than unpleasant, if you get what i mean.
Been lost?: Well according to my parents, i got lost in appu ghar once and created a right ruckus. I don't remember that though. Can't think of anything else.
Been on the opposite side of the country?: Only as far as Chennai. Or Hyderabad. I'm not too sure which is further away.
Swum in the ocean?: Yes, but only a few times; in Goa and in Australia. It was brilliant. :-( If only Delhi was near the ocean or something.....
Cried yourself to sleep?: Yes.
Played cops and robbers?: Yup, hasn't everyone?
Recently coloured with crayons?: Nope. The creative streak in me sort of faded away as i grew up. Quite sad, come to think of it.
Sung karaoke?: Only when nobody's around. I have this thing about singing in front of people. I just can't do it!
Paid for a meal with only coins?: Nope, but i love the idea!!! I'm gonna do it for sure one of these days. The only thing i've done which is remotely like this is when i once paid a rickshawalla ten bucks in 50 paise coins. He was not happy.
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?: Only about a million times! My will power is not exactly very effective, if not non-existent.
Made prank phone calls?: Of course. Though i haven't ever made any really cool ones. They've been kinda lame, most of them. Alas, wasted opportunities.
Caught a snow flake on your tongue?: Never been anywhere near snow. :-(
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: Once. And in my defence, i was 12 or something for crying out loud.
Blown bubbles?: You know, it's so funny but i've never done that! Mum would never let me buy the ones they sold in India Gate and all, coz she thought I'd catch some horrible fatal disease or something. Sad....
Bonfire on the beach?: Nope. Sure as hell wanna do it though. Maybe this year, on the college trip. :-)
Cheated on a test?: Yeah. Very few times though, not because i'm very morally upright or anything, but because i was simply extremely scared of getting caught.
Gone skinny-dipping in a pool?: Nope. If i'd ever tried that in our school swimming pool, i would've been expelled. And if i try it in the Siri Fort swimming pool (which is where i've been swimming for the past few years), I'll give a large number of people near-heart attacks.
Phew, that was terribly terribly long. And the only purpose it served was to remind me of the fact that i've lived an extremely sedate life till now.
You know what, i'm going to do this tag again a year later; and i hope to god it's more interesting then.
Anyway, I'm not going to tag any people in particular. It's a really fun tag honestly, so i tag everyone who reads this entry. Do give it a shot. Of course, it's completely upto you whether you want to do it or not, but it's quite interesting really.
For the record, this was the last post before my exams, which incidentally begin on the 12th, and end on the 30th. I'll be back after the 30th of April.
Until then, goodbye, and happy doing-the-tag!
P.S. - I hate to admit it, but someone pulled a brilliant gag on me on April fool's. And I, gullible little thing that I am, fell for it hook, line and sinker. I am not happy with myself. Nevertheless, the tables will be turned next year. And i will have the last laugh. Hah!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
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