Friday, August 04, 2006

life....or something like it

i start having doubts about the purpose of life:-

1)when i get more homework in english, no wait, i get homework ONLY IN ENGLISH when i'm doing eco honours.

2)when the homework consists of reading the works of an obscure URDU poet, and recitng the poem which we like best.

3)when i actually DO A SEARCH on google looking for the works of the poet.

4)when i realize his stuff isnt bad at all(the translations that is) and actually READ ALL HIS COUPLETS!

(the obscure poet is fazi ahmed faiz, by the way, and this is his photo)

1 comment:

Utsav Mitra said...

Well, Faiz Ahmed Faiz isn't 'obscure'. He's one of the pillars of modern Urdu poetry. Yes, the homework was rather crazy considering eco hons and anthology of urdu poetry.